

Saying Goodbye to Baldness with Follicular Unit Extraction - FUE

Men and women suffering from issues connected with premature balding and excessive hair fall can now look forward to a more hairy man and a smarter re-incarnation of their self. With the recently launched Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique bringing in success stories - hair grafting in India has certainly come a long way-and in more ways than one.

Read on for a peep into the benefits and limitations of this new technique of hair transplanting.

Advantages of Fue Hair Transplant

From the Point of View of the Surgeon

Lesser Infrastructural costs and manpower requirements: Follicular Unit Extraction procedures require optimum infrastructural support and manpower. Most experts can operate their centers with one doctor and two efficient assistants in place.

Lesser trauma: This process of treating baldness in men and women is less traumatic than its other counterparts and does not require any prior surgical experiences.

Minimal Equipment and tools: With minimal graft preparations and equipments, FUE is one of the simplest ways of grafting hair and treating the complications caused by an excessive hair fall and balding.

From the Point of View of the Patient

Less Post-Operative time for Recovery: The time required to recover from the procedures connected with Follicular Unit Extraction is very less, with patients getting back to their normal lifestyle in a short period of time.

Microscopic scars in donor area: Contrary to what most patients believe, the scars caused by picking hair from a specific donor region are extremely microscopic in nature and are hardly visible to the naked eye.

Visits for stitch removal: FUE does not demand any repeated visits to the surgeon's clinic for stitch removals or any post operative care. This makes the process less cumbersome and convenient for patients.

Other benefits: Patients can use their body hair to add further density to their hair. They can also cover the preexisting scars of strip surgery with this mode of hair transplanting.

Limitations of FUE Hair Transplanting Procedures

Tedious process: The entire process of FUE can prove to be tedious and requires high levels of energy and patience from the surgeon.

Long learning curve: Since the procedure is comparatively new, assistants and doctors are finding the learning curve longer than desired and are facing certain difficulties in performing the grafting.

Transaction Rate: Surgeons are facing problems in aligning the exit angle of the hair with the subcutaneous region of the follicle. This is leading to higher Follicular Transection Rates (FTR).

Multiple Sessions: There is a limit to the number of grafts which can be extracted in each sitting. As the quantum is low, patients have to make multiple visits to the clinic to complete the procedure. This proves to be irksome for some clients.

Fortunately, patients are overlooking these limitations and booking themselves for FUE sessions-to get back their lost mane and boast of fresh growth on their crowning glory.

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