With so many different types of hair dyes on the market, it is natural to be worried about the effects of hair dye damage. You can buy products in a variety of different colours which are getting brighter and bolder. If you're dying your hair on a budget you need to be careful that the 'cheap' product that you're buying is trusted and safe.
In this article I will look into a safe way for you to dye your hair, along with some tips and tricks to ensure that your colour stays vibrant for longer.
1) Pick your colour.
You need to ensure that the colour that you pick is going to be suitable for your hair. If you do not like the colour then dying your hair again straight after could do some serious damage.
2) Preparation.
Get an old towel that you don't mind getting messy as the dye will more than likely get onto it at some point. It is also worth remembering to wear an old T-Shirt as a precautionary measure. Then follow these steps, always remember to use the gloves provided in the box and rub Vaseline around your ears and hairline. Dye will get here but it will simply wipe off if the skin is lubricated first.
3) Mixing the dye.
Always follow the instructions. It may be simple enough but you may miss something. Never mix the solution in advance either, this could cause the bottle to explode and lead to a very messy floor.
4) Clip you hair into sections.
Clip you hair into small sections so that you can easily apply the dye all over your head, without leaving strands of hair. In order to make sure you have covered it all it is advantageous to have somebody to help you.
5) Applying the dye.
Always do a strand test before full application. Allergic reactions can cause untold damage so make sure you do a test if it s brand you haven't used before. (Refer to the box for more information on strand tests.) Apply the dye to the end of a section of hair in small blobs. The dye develops faster the closer it is to the scalp so you should always start from the outside and work your way in. If your hair is in small enough sections, it should be easy enough to make sure all strands of hair are covered.
6) Follow your box instructions.
All dye development times and methods are different so always refer back to your box. In some dyes you may have to leave your hair exposed whereas with some others you may need to wrap tin foil or a plastic bag around your head. Never leave the dye on for longer than the box suggest as this could result in serious hair dye damage and potential hair loss.
7) Washing it out.
After the time is up it is time to head to the bathroom to wash out the dye. Stick your head under the shower and let your hair soak in water for a couple of minutes. After doing this run the water through your hair until it all runs clear. Condition you hair with the conditioner that is provided with the dye. Remember to leave conditioner on for at least 5 minutes to achieve maximum shine.
8) Drying.
After you're done, always allow your hair to dry naturally. Blow drying on a high heat could result in loss of shine. If there are still bits of dye on your skin that didn't wash off during the shower, wipe off with a wet wipe. It will remove easily because of the Vaseline.
9) Stay out of the sun!
UV rays can cause hair dye to fade a lot faster than the box says. Stay out of the sun for at least a day to ensure you get the most out of your hair dye.
10) Look after your hair.
Always wash your hair again the next day after application. This will remove any excess dye that didn't come out in the first wash.
There are my 10 simple tips into dying safely and effectively. Remember to follow these if you want to ensure you do not suffer the effects damage.
If you do feel that you have suffered the effects of hair dye damage and that you followed instructions as the box said, you must seek medical advice.
Alan is a writer enjoys wiriting for all sorts of topics. If you are looking for more in formation on hair dye damage and what you can do if you've suffered the effects, take a look at the Hair Lawyers website.
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